If you would like us to help create a personalised resource list for you and your specific needs, please get in touch here
When life is difficult, Samaritans are here – day or night, 365 days a year.
You can call them for free on 116 123 or visit for more ways to speak to a Samaritan.
Beat Eating Disorder
Worrytree app
WorryTree helps you record, manage and problem solve your worries and anxiety based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques. Built by worriers, for worriers, recommended by the NHS.
The app that will support you through the problem-solving process helping you to either make a plan to deal with your worry, or find in-the-moment distractions to help you cope and move on with your day.
Calm app​​
Calms mission is to make the world happier and healthier. They provide an app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation alongside music and video lessons on mindful movement and gentle stretching.
The website offers a whole host of free resources, from mindful living calendars to Daily Gratitude Journals; from Mindfulness Resources to Blogs.
Action for Happiness
What would happen if we each made happiness our primary goal?
Their work is underpinned by the evidence-based Ten Keys to Happier Living. They provide daily actions people can take through their app and calendar, which has been used by millions of people. They coordinate online groups where members meet to talk about happiness and commit to action.
They have no religious, political or commercial affiliations and welcome people of all faiths (or none) and all parts of society. Members of the movement make a simple pledge: to try to create more happiness in the world.
The Happy NewsPaper
A real newspaper that celebrates only wonderful, positive news. Published every three months The Happy Newspaper celebrates all that’s good in the world; a platform to share positive news and wonderful people.
Each issue is based around a theme and includes various features, poems, food and more combined with beautifully colourful illustrations throughout. As you may have noticed, this is not your typical newspaper!
Suicide Prevention UK
Suicide Prevention UK is an award winning Suicide Prevention charity.
We help anyone who may be struggling with their mental health and/or thoughts of suicide. Our volunteers use their skills, training and empathetic approach to offer a non-judgmental listening ear to help people in what could be their darkest hour. Our volunteers aim to signpost individuals to the most relevant support available to them at that time, to get them the help they deserve.
Our service is available via our helpline - National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK, social media and face-to-face out in the community.
2wish provide immediate and ongoing support to anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected loss of a child or young person aged 25 and under.
Support includes memory boxes, immediate emotional and practical support, counselling and play therapy, group support and residential retreats.
Please see further information on their website: or contact them via phone 01443 853125 or email